Life's lessons....they come packaged differently and sometimes what looks horrible can turn out pretty good and sometimes what looks amazing can turn out yuck.
I think maybe the purpose for any of it is to grow...and learn....and move forward in better ways.
I used to think when the bad stuff hit that I needed to guard my heart more....to close it from others to prevent the bad from happening again. Now I think it's better to live with it always open b/c more of the good effects get in than the bad.
Joni Erkison was a teenager when she jumped into a lake near her home and broke her neck. When her sister came to see her at the hospital, she begged her to take a razor blade and cut her wrists. "I won't feel it. Just do it." She told her. Years later her sister said she was tempted to do it but something inside wouldn't let her. She's glad now that she didn't it.
Joni ended up becoming a well known artist. She paints better with her mouth than I can my two hands. She got married and had traveled all over talking with wounded soldiers and the disabled giving them hope.....and showing that even when confined to a chair, life could still be incredibly awesome.
If you're going through a bad time...hang tight. It won't last. It never does. Things change....they really do.
I have loved Joni for years - do you know she can sing too! sandie
I met her at a Women In the Church conference in 2000 and I was brought to tears at her devotion to Christ! I have a BIL who is a paraplegic and they have good friends who have a daughter that became a vent quad about 10 years ago.......it's sad and to see how Joni has used her life for The Lord is truly inspiring!
Thank you! your last paragraph was just what I needed to read today!
what an inspiring story!
She learned that God knows best for her life. That takes long for us all to learn.
Thank you so much. I needed this encouragement today.
Wonderful example of God working in what we call "accidents," His ways are not our ways! But He ALWAYS has our "best" in His plans, even when it doesn't come packaged very pretty.Thank you for the reminder:)
I absolutely love this post. You are so right and so often many of us forget. Thank you for the encouragment and inspiration!
Thank you for this lovely encouragement. Bless you.
This is such an uplifting post. Thanks. Yes a lot of people can use this example for inspiration:)
Inspiring and encouraging ... just what need .
I have always admired Joni.
~God bless~ Lisa
So true.
Getting through is the only deal here, but often we get so caught in the middle of the mess that we don't realise that there's light beyond the tunnel.
If only we are strong enough to keep the hope alive while we're passing through it, things do get better.
Joni sounds like a brilliant person around. People should realise that nothing ever incapacitates them, EVER!
Amen. One of my hardest trials became my greatest blessing, and something I thought would be the end of all my problems turned out to be a huge problem in itself. Thank God for His patience and loving kindness through it all.
Totally agree with your post.. I am feeling it now. Blessings
Thank you for the inspiration!
I hope 2014 proves to be a good year for you and yours!
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