At first...we didn't trust...but we both wanted the connection. We pushed past the distrust...past our own needs....even past hurt feelings at times.
We're different her and I... our likes, how we do things...how we move in the world.....yet in other ways....we're the same. - Our pain....the way we look at life....the effects the abuse had on us....our desire to live our best lives.
Somehow we figured out......to always keep a hand extended out to each other...never closing the door because of hurt feelings....or misunderstandings or differences. We've been in each other's corner... encouraging... supporting....believing the best...accepting each other completely. And always with a hand extended out....never taking it away....never closing the door.....never leaving the other with unresolved hurt feelings...never silent...never ignoring the other. That has made the difference.
I fought so hard to be free....alone...with friends dying...or leaving...or moving on. For the first two years...I was afraid my sister's words weren't real....that she would leave...close the door....move on.. She hasn't and she told me she will never go away. I believe her...And I vow that to her too.
I am so happy for the two of you. I know how hard it is to trust. Still struggle to trust myself most of the time. In future I wont be alone anymore in my struggle as I accepted my partners proposal. I vow I wont leave him - a vow which is more worth than any word the peace judge can make me mumble.
A precious post dear one. I am so happy for your reconnection with your sister. Blessings as always you are such an encourager, you have no idea! ((((Sarah))))
you are blessed to have developed such a friendship
How awesome that you reconnected! That would be a story in itself I think)
Hi Sarah,
I share the same commitment with my brothers (no sisters). Though we remain geographically distant, we stay in touch and talk frequently.
Family is important to me and I feel it's my responsibility to reach out and connect with family members where ever they live.
I'm happy for the shared love between you and your sister.
Its always nice for our sblings to be real friends. Nice one
Sisterhood is a powerful thing!!
I'm so glad you have your sister and that your relationship is strong.
Love, Catherine
It's great that you and your sister are close. I know my middle sister is my best friend too. But I think your relationship is especially strong because you have both gone through so much together. I'm glad you have someone like that in your life.
Wishing you well,
This sounds like a commitment which many envy. If you always remember to be grateful, humble, and unselfish, this relationship will grwo beautiful way past your wildest dreams
God bless you both.
My "55" is HERE
a love between sisters is a precious thing--you are blessed in this relationship and I am so happy for you!
What you have is beautiful, any relationship takes time to nourish, hope you both find love and peace in and through each other.
God forever bless you and your dear sister, love you.
Dear Nikki,
I read this post and the one before it, as well as your latest one on your Gentle Recovery blog.
Something tugs at my heart when I read your words.
God is so good to help you reconnect with your sister.
And yes, what you wrote about freedom in not being totally free, that is soooooo true dear friend.
We are all in process and in transition.
My heart brims over with ... I don't know what it is, but I think they are tears... if the heart can shed tears... for your journey and what you are discovering. Tears of joy, for the parts that are healed, and yet, I also feel sadness. Sadness is always, will always be part of our human journey.
I'm with you. Thank you for sharing so deeply and for touching my heart.
Much love
This is great. Having a sister as a friend. I do keep mine so near... and yes it's such a blessing!
Blood is truly thicker than water. I was blessed with 5 sisters, and they have never turned away from me. Sisters are a blessing from heaven...
your write so honest and beautiful. that sounds like an amazing relationship you guys have!
thank you for your comments on my blog :-) you are awesome.
Very similar to my own life as my sister and I are connected, having been disconnected for almost all of our lives.
This post reminds me of what I'm reading now in 1 Samuel about the love of David and Jonathan. LOVE IS VERY POWERFUL and Jonathan was proof that we should not be silent, the fate of our friends/family sometimes relies upon our voice.
Bless you!
This was beautiful...so very happy that you have such a great relationship with your sis....
Dear One, returned to give you a big warm hug!
I am so happy that you and your sister are friends and are so close. That is so very very important!
Blessings and best wishes,
so glad you have her - so glad she has you. I love what you said about always keeping a hand extended out to each other.
Blessings sweet one!!
Its wonderful that you have found your sister and are building such a strong friendship/ relationship with her. Sisters should be forever- mine are, and I hope my girls are to each other too. And you can give that gift to your children too- its really truly a gift worth having.
Wow! great...its nice to know that you and your sister meet again. So proud of you coz you humble down yourself and accept your dear sister into your heart.I know its not that easy to trust again.But you did try to show it to her.Continue to show kindness. So happy for you.
This is powerful stuff. I want to read you all the time. You're amazing! God bless you. :)
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