There were professionals who thought I was pretty hopeless. They believed with medication and psychiatric intervention I could live an ok life. They pumped me full of pills even though I was a drug addict and tried to take control over my life. Their pills made me weird....made me want to sleep all the time, and gave me strange side effects.
Those 'professionals' had the answers. They knew what I needed. I didn't know anything. And they labeled me with borderline personality and other nonesense terms. When I tried to refuse their help and their pills - they forced me - locking me in isolation, tying me to the bed.... hurting me with physical and chemical restraints. They stripped me of every shred of dignity and took away any sense of control I had. Their seeing me as hopeless made me hate them and me even more... and I began to see myself as hopeless.
Then He touched me....and He did what the professionals couldn't. His love - His gentleness broke through and did what no amount of force could. Force never works and nobody is ever hopeless.
Sometimes when I think of what 'professionals' did to me, how they treated me....their labels, their methods of 'treatment'... I get angry and want to lash out at the system. But I don't want to fight or be angry anymore. I want to forgive....like He forgave me - and I want to treat others different than I was treated.
I want to take what I've been given and extend a hand of hope. Working in a hospital I hear many stories of 'professionals' living on edge, ...in broken marriages, broken homes..living empty lives. A few days ago a 'professional' commited suicide. It's scarey to think these are the people who take control over the lives of others...vulnerable people....people who are broken, lost...
I never want anyone to feel what I did. I want to show kindness and compassion and help whoever I work with to feel empowered. I want to give what He gave to me. Force, humiliation and threats never work. Kindness does. Kindness always does. And no one is ever hopeless.
Yes, Sarah...kindness is the gift that can open the door to recovery, no matter what the situation.
Bless you,
and thank you for this lovely, kind, post!
What an uplifting post. Thank you.
God's love, compassion, acceptance is filling you up to overflowing.
We love because He first loved us.
We are only able to really love when we know and experience his love for us.
You are such a blessing!!
I used to work "in the system".... mine wasn't as bad as the one you describe. To this day, I have a really hard time with labels. When I have to find a code for insurance....I use a very generic one. The only label I want to give someone is "Loved by God"
Wonderful post Sarah, so true. And you've learned these lessons in a very, very hard way and you're an amazing testament to the strength of spirit.
I don't know why but that particular post has moved me more than many others. Not that your others haven't moved me, but that this one held something special. I don't know. I want to read and read it until I know.
We are all on that same boat, rocked hard by huge waves out in the open seas..in need of the light from the Beacon to guide our way back to a place of safety and refuge.
Only His love...only His kindness...only by His grace...
God bless.
I've been locked up and tied down before. I layed in that bare room, and people stared in at me as they went by - like I was an animal in a cage. It was like they were almost afraid of me.
I finally gave up on the meds too. Working on my issues, and giving it over to God saved my life.
Like you said, compassion and love do more! Thank you for sharing your hope.
What a beautiful post. What a wonderful testament to God's loving, saving power.
You are being used by God.
My dear Sarah, ((((Sarah))))!
God is amazing, He just is! But you know, choosing to forgive is a far tougher choice than staying angry and I truly honour you for that. You have courage, and guts, and endurance, and a lot of other gifts. God's giving you the courage to use them but you decided to take the first step- Go Girl!!!
I LOVE your opening quote...I first read it several years ago and it impressed me much that I posted it over my desk...we should never give up on anyone or any situation because God's plans are always so much better than ours....
This paragraph really spoke to me...
"Then He touched me....and He did what the professionals couldn't. His love - His gentleness broke through and did what no amount of force could. Force never works and nobody is ever hopeless. "
Amen...beautiful testimony!
What a beautiful post. I needed to hear that tonight.
I am feeling the opposite of what you wrote today - but your words are very inspirational and give me hope. I feel like for my son the opposite it true, he needs help and the professionals don't know what to do for him. I've been praying for him for 18 years and yet God allowed him to suffer, and he's still suffering. I don't know what the answers are. I just have to keep hoping and praying.
I am so glad that you have overcome and are sharing your story here.
What a wonderful post of hope. People only have so many answers and abilities. God has them all and for everyone. I am so glad He has touched your life!
Kindness is such a powerful tool, in many ways, where there is kindness there is hope because when someone shows you kidness it shows that they believe in you.
I do not agree with labels either, I think they are dangerous in many cases.
Thank you for your lovely words!
Sarah, its such a beautiful post. No one wants to live through what you or others went through. Kindness opens the heart and makes everyone shine - the giver and the receiver. Love form Germany
I just liked the quote. How many times I have called people 'hopeless.' This quote taught me something today. I am glad that you posted it. A quote is enough to provoke one's thoughts and actions.
Sarah, your experiences always strengthens and encourages me.
Thanks for that.
Joy and courage always,
Kindness can open doors that were once closed, can bring a smile to a stern face, and can open a cold heart. I'm glad you found the open arms of God and in Him you found comfort and kindness. There is always hope, and He wants us to believe that. Hugs, dear one :)
As a former professional who worked with hurting people, I like to think I offered them love and a caring hand more than anything else. I loved the people I worked with and knew beyond anything that no one is hopeless--EVER!!
Glad you found your way through Jesus!
Dear Sarah,
This is so beautiful.
Thank you.
I'm so glad that you work in a hospital.
I'll bet you are an inspiration and comfort to so many, just as you are here.
I'm so sorry you had the horrendous and terrifying experiences you did.
Such an amazingly beautiful post sweetie.
One of my characters is a professional nurse and she talks about the choice to grow a calloused heart so suffering won't hurt her or to allow the pain in. Either way, she needs a healthy way to cope. It sounds like the professional you mentioned didn't have that.
Sounds like you'll be the kind that chooses to care, even if it hurts. You can do it, Sarah!
good great blog....
really good work of yours.....
i hope u will also see my blog and comment it
What a way to overcome what has been put up against you. As I always say, write a book. And you did. Wonderful.
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